How is it possible for such a tiny bit of metal to hold full-sized people? Parker took us over to the Blackfoot lift today. Paul said it's about 50 years old. He may have been exaggerating slightly. But it did not inspire greater confidence in the welds that hold the thing together.
Well, at least now I've tried all of the lifts at Targhee. Just don't ask me to ride that particular one again. Not only was the lift a little dicey, but the run Parker chose was NOT GROOMED. Call me high maintenance, but I like my runs to be manicured. As you can see from the photos, we had beautiful, blue skies today. No serious falls or broken bones to report...all in all a great day on the slopes!
I like to do daring things, but that lift would also need to have an adult diaper included with the ride. I HATE gondolas!!!