Friday, March 21, 2008

History repeats itself...

What is it about seven year old boys that compells them to try walking home from school instead of riding the bus? When Parker was seven, he and a friend agreed to walk home from school together. The only problem was that Parker's friend lived about a block and a half from school, whereas we live about 2 1/2 miles from school. Parker made it home alright, he was just very late and very cold. When he didn't show up on time, I called the school and was told that yes, the bus was running late. Parker walked in the door a few minutes later, so I didn't think anything of it. He then told me he had walked home! Needless to say, I called the school and had a chat with them.

Fast forward nine years...Jacob came home yesterday and told me that he, too, had decided to walk home with his friend. He lives about a mile from the school. The bus driver saw Jacob walking down 5th West and gave him a ride the last half mile to our home. Later that evening, she called to make sure I knew about what had happened. I guess there needs to be a standard "no walking home from school" speech given every year.

1 comment:

  1. That is SCARY! And it sounds like something Isabel would do. The boys enjoy their mom chauffering them around too much to want to actually exercise
