Saturday, April 10, 2010

Vindication, Validation and Other Valuable Lessons

Sometimes, in spite of my parental failings, the Lord sees fit to bless my children anyway. Let me explain. As you may recall from a previous post, I put off (read: procrastinated) this year's Pinewood Derby project until there was no time to make a new car. Fortunately, Jacob agreed to use a pre-owned model. Here's where the vindication comes into play: Jacob won 1st place! Not only that, he won all but one of the heats he raced in. I think maybe the car got a little push from Paul. What makes it even sweeter is the fact that he chose to use a car that I (all by myself) made a few years ago. Jacob's victory is a beautiful illustration of this truth: Heavenly Father is intimately aware of the needs of each of his children, and finds ways to bless us and strengthen us when we need it most. He gave Jacob the joy of success, and his mother, a gentle reminder that things work out--even when disaster seems imminent.

As soon as I write a two-page exit report for my Career Exploration class (which is really what I should be doing now, not updating my blog!) I will officially be finished with Winter semester. *UPDATE: I'm a free woman (until April 20, when Spring semester begins).

[Deep, from the tips of my toes kind of sigh of relief]

My mathematics-based fears proved to be unfounded: I passed--and even kind of liked--the class! I only hope I have an equally successful experience next semester when I take my final required math class.

It must be spring. It's Saturday afternoon and the only sound I hear is that of the refrigerator running. I've no idea where anyone is, but somehow, I'm okay with that. I still have a pile of research papers to read, and grades to enter into the computer. I don't mind the solitude.

Whoever said that I'd miss Paul a little less as time passes lied. They ought to have said I'd learn to better cope with missing him as time passes. And even that would be debatable some days.

Paul would have been forty-seven yesterday.


  1. Congratulations to Jacob on 1st place. Good luck with the rest of your finals - you are amazing! And Happy Birthday to Paul. We love you and are grateful for your example.

  2. Congratulations to Jacob! (And DeLynn!) I may need to get a few tips for pinewood derby cars in a few years. You are the ones to get tips from!

    It was wonderful to be in the temple on Paul's birthday. An appropriate celebration! Just wished you were there!

  3. I love you, DeLynn! Love, Deaun
