Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do as I bid you; shut doors after you ~William Shakespeare

You know those rocks in Death Valley that mysteriously move by themselves? I think the doors on my dish cupboard are related to them. It seems every time I walk through the kitchen, they're open, so I close them. The next time I come through, the doors are open again, so I close them again. I come back, they're open again. I close them again. Open. Close. Open. Close. The only logical explanation I can come up with is the Moving Rock Theory. It has something to do with magnetic fields and reverse polarities and things. So I'm pretty sure that's what's been going on in my kitchen. Unless I'm an unwitting participant in a secret Pavlovian experiment, but if that's the case, shouldn't I be getting some type of reward for shutting the cupboards? Chocolate, perhaps? Or maybe I'm the victim of an elaborate hidden camera practical joke. If so, I require a 70% share of the prize money if your video wins, whoever you are: I know a lawyer-in-training (Hi Matt). The final possibility is that my boys are purposely trying to drive me INSANE! But they would never do that: who would close the cupboard doors when I'm gone?


The last few weeks have been busy with Parent/Teacher conferences, midterm exams and research papers, Tyler's and Hayden's birthdays, the end of Potato Harvest, the beginning of night school (for Parker), a few sick kids here and there (thankfully no Swine flu, just bronchitis, 48 hour bug, tonsillitis/sore throat/cough/low grade fever) and all the other things that demand our attention. Today was my last fencing class. It turned out to be a whole lot of fun, and great exercise, as well. I'll miss it, but it will be good to have classes just two days a week. And I can get back on my normal running schedule, too. My instructor asked me if I'd like to teach her class for two weeks during Spring semester. I laughed and said, "Wouldn't that require some level of proficiency?" She assured me that I wouldn't have to teach any skills, just supervise the TAs and students. I told her I'd think about it.

Remember about a month when I told you about getting Lois Lowry's business card? Well, I put it to good use: I sent her two e-mails, both of which she responded to, sharing information that I used in my research paper. Sometimes it pays to be forward and presumptuous. :o)