Friday, April 11, 2008

What I've learned so far...

Winter semester is over and I have a little more than a week before Summer semester begins. I thought it might be a good time for some self-assessment. Here's some of what I've learned:

Number One - The heroes of the Book of Mormon were ordinary people. The thing that set them apart from everyone else was their reliance on the Savior to accomplish the great things that they did.

Number Two - William Shakespeare was a literary genius with an incredible sense of humor. But, then you already knew that, right?

Number Three - There's no such thing as an original line...they're all stolen from Shakespeare. For example, when John Wayne says, "We're burning daylight" in the Cowboys,he's quoting Romeo and Juliet and the Merry Wives of Windsor.

Mr. Spock from Star Trek is not the originator of "Live Long and Prosper", he swiped it from Romeo and Juliet. Okay, so he changed it a little from the original "Live, and be prosperous", but not by much. Any parent who has told a child they couldn't go with their friends is giving a nod to Shakespeare's original "Be patient, for you shall remain with us.--"
When you say "I hope we don't get caught", you're just rephrasing the Bard's "I hope they will not come upon us now." And the ever popular "Go, girl"? Shakespeare.

Number Four - The Law of the Harvest: You reap what you sow. If you work hard, attend class and do what's required, you get good grades. It took me several decades to embrace this philosophy, but I am reaping the dividends.

Number Five - As a man (or woman) thinketh, so is he (or she). If you think you're too old to try something new, you probably are. If you think you can't learn anything new, you probably won't. If you think you can't be successful, you won't be.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, Good ole Will was beyond his times... I am glad you are enjoying school. Good luck on your new classes!!!
