What's the best way to celebrate Thanksgiving? With forty-eight of your close family and friends, of course! Dinner this year was at Mom and Dad Parker's home. They had guests from Utah, Idaho, California, Brazil and Taiwan.
(Not them, although there was plenty of grazing going on)
(Uh-uh, not them, either. This is the rooster on my hit-list)
The food was delicious and plentiful, the company diverse and pleasant. After-dinner entertainment consisted of a rousing game of Bocci;
several rounds of Settlers of Catan, one of those painfully protracted board games that my sons love to play; a drawing/writing game (sorry, I don't know its name, but it was a lot of fun!) naps, movies, laughter, more naps, dessert, a few songs from Amannda and Camilla (nice job!) more food, more dessert, until about ten o'clock Thursday night. Thanks to Mom and Dad Parker for a great day. Thanks to Sherry for understanding the whole Brit/Lit obsession...long live Mrs. Darcy! Good luck with the move. If you find they don't have libraries in Texas, call me and I'll send you an emergency shipment of Jane Austen. Thanks to Mom and Dad Carling for letting us stay with you, and not minding that we were gone the entire day. Thanks to Lynn and Carol for putting the older boys and Brandi up for the night. Thanks to Cathy and Brian for having Cameron and Jacob come for a visit. Thanks to Paul for feeling well enough to make the trip to Utah and for being an example of endurance and quiet strength for us all.