The fact that school is out for the summer does not automatically preclude further learning. Case in point -- one of my children (who shall remain anonymous to protect his dignity) decided his bike tire was low. This presented him with several options:
1. Go out to the shed and use Dad's air compressor.
2. Find the hand pump.
3. Borrow the pump from Mom's bicycle.
And finally, the less obvious (at least to the female mind):
4. Ride two and a half miles round trip in the blazing heat to the local gas station and use their air compressor.
You can guess which choice he opted for.
Now, fast forward several hot, sunny hours. We were all inside the house, busy with various activities. Suddenly we heard a loud BANG! I thought it was Parker shooting off bottle rockets or firecrackers again, so I sent Jacob to investigate. He came back and told me that Parker was upstairs asleep. He had gone to work at 4:30 a.m. to rake hay and was pretty tired. The source of the noise remained a mystery.
It wasn't until later that evening that we discovered what had happened. My unnamed child came into the house, carrying a bike tire that had a large hole blown out of the sidewall. You see where this is headed...over-filled tire, hot sun, expansion, extreme air pressure...BANG!
The lesson learned: While living creatures need air to survive, too much of it can be deadly, especially if you happen to be a bicycle tire.